Sunday, May 24, 2009
Moon Shot

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Far Out Friday

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Rocket Building Competition
I arrived on schedule, at 2 pm SLT, at the Space Frontier Sandbox, where there were some tiny rocketeers present. I knew this contest was targeted at tinies, but when I actually found myself surrounded by little adorable bears, bunnies, and dragons I felt like cuddling them, a feeling which was unexpected and strange. They were very cute, all done up in clever space suits and outfits befitting the occasion.
I had never been surrounded by so many tinies. I had met a few in isolated situations, but being in the presence of so many gave me a sense of other-worldliness, and once everyone gathered at the actual launch site things got even stranger. There were so many tinies all around that I felt nervous about walking, concerned that I might crush one of them! Then they began to remind me of the mischievous creatures of the Gremlins films! But not for long. The tinies were bundles of chaotic energy, just like those nasty green creatures, but certainly not mischievous and bent on destruction. No, these tinies were highly imaginative and bent on creating, as I was soon to learn.
UKBIKER Betsen, and other tinies, awaiting launch time
The rocket creations were fantastic works of imagination and absurdity. I was unable to capture all the rockets on film, so the following is not a complete listing of all the rockets launched.
Copper Mistral's copper rocket
Etherea Parrot's giant bottle rocket
Catten Carter's retro-futuristic rocket
Hannibal Salamander's half scale Saturn V rocket
Xanda Bracken's rocket animal
Skinty Sparta's Tiny Astronomical Space Accidents (TASA) rocket
Rizzo Taurus' udderly fabulous rocket (wish I had a better pic)
SHAMUS Carter's sim transporting rocket
SHAMUS ready for takeoff
Vic Titanium's carbonated sugar-water propellant rocket
Azelle Mavendorf's double booster lounge pad
patrich Merlin's baby bottle space booster
Raymond Nightfire's ballistic V-2 creation
There was a great moment I wish I could have captured on video. Skinty Sparta's rocket initially malfunctioned and exploded! Fortunately Skinty was unharmed, most certainly due to the flawless design of her crew cabin and flight suit.
Skinty ready for take off
Mayday! Mayday!
Skinty protected in the crew cabin!
Hurrah! Skinty is unscathed!
After an hour of fun rocket launches it was time for the judges to deliberate over the contestant's efforts. Fifth place was awarded to Raymond Nightfire, fourth place to Lara Vidor (not pictured), third place to SHAMUS Carter, second place to Azelle Mavendorf, and first place to Gadget Jun.
The best rocketeers of the day
Gadget Jun and her winning rocket
Special Honorable Mention was bestowed upon JiKun Aero who missed the opportunity to launch a multi-stage rocket that would have surely impressed the judges.
If you would like to see the rockets visit the Space Frontier Sandbox. Some rockets are launch capable, some are copyable. Feel free to roam and explore.
My sincere apologies go out to all the rocketeers whose creations were not represented in this entry; Differ Darwin, UKBIKER, Tiamat, Lara Vidor, and PsychicMediumMeri Indigo.
This event was one worthwhile attending, and certainly one worth repeating. I hope Krull Aeon, Rocket Sellers, and all the community of Space Frontier do it again. Thank you all for working so hard to make this happen.
Thanks go out to all the tinies who participated. Your creativity is amazing, and your energy is boundless!
Pluton Karas

Hello dear readers. I have found a beautiful installation located 500 meters above the NMC Campus' Aho Museum.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Virtual Ability in the News
Monday, February 16, 2009
Aerospace Crew

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Rocket Science

Friday, February 6, 2009
Maddening Field Trip

"If you have a history of mental illness, particularly a psychotic disorder, you should not tour this facility". Thus begins the tour of the Virtual Hallucinations facility in Sedig, a simulation which provides a glimpse into the schizophrenic's perception of reality. Thanks to the work of Dr. Peter Yellowlees, professor of psychiatry at UC Davis, and his peers, avatars are able to explore a medical ward in which aural and visual hallucinations transform what should be a sterile and safe environment into a maddeningly terrifying one.
- unnervingly calm voices repeatedly reminding you that you're dead, that you don't exist, that you know none of this is real
- a poster and newspaper whose printed messages transform, distorting not just your perceived world but also the value of your own existence
- a television broadcast that directly addresses you, and which attacks and devalues your existence
- a mirror in which a healthy looking man smiles at you as you watch him die and begin to decompose; this is based on the experience of a patient who stopped shaving because every morning he would see his reflection dying and decomposing

- a gun which suddenly appears beneath a spotlight, with voices trying to convince you to take it and kill yourself; also based on a patient's experience, the man was arrested for attempting to take a police officers gun after the voices he heard gave him the instruction to do so
- a hallway whose floor suddenly disappears beneath you, leaving you to precariously make your way over an abyss by hopping on floating stones

- "Damn, this is insane."
- "Ew, that's awful... this guy... no wonder the guy went nuts." (referring to mirror)
- "Wow... all these voices... tell them to stop :-("
- "What [this sim] cannot convey is the *absolute conviction* you feel when the voices speak, that THEY are correct."
- "Wow... That was the craziest shyt [sic] I've ever done in Second Life."
- "That was fun. Can we do it again?"
"We can also see the vastness of the gap between the suffering individual and other people, the difficulty one may find in attempting to function in society with such an illness as well as the lack of understanding others may have for them, or their condition. Mental illness and what we call mental disorders are still something of a mystery to people I believe."
"I think [this sim] can reveal to people why those who are schizophrenic may not be required to endure the same kind of punishments, for certain crimes, which other are. Some people are in a state of mind dominated by certain urges, and voices fueling these urges. And therefore they have to struggle in ways that others don’t. So naturally they should, and usually are (at least in my country,) subject to special legal treatment and rehabilitation involving the respective crimes."
Thursday, February 5, 2009
T-Shirt Expressions

Hey all. Check out these t-shirts.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Willowdale Mathematics Library
Hello everyone. Pluton here. Yesterday one of my readers visited the town of Willowdale, but was unable to locate the mathematics library I featured in my blog (entirely my fault; see below). In order to help I am posting some directions.
Let me begin by saying there is probably an easier way to assist anyone interested in getting to the museum. If this is so, please comment and help me learn.
In addition, I need to apologize to all my readers, for the name of the town is Willowdale; Old Willowdale is the region. I have edited the original entry in order to rectify my error. Thanks go out to Veritas Raymaker whose comment on the difficulty he had finding the museum led to this correction.
In order to get to the mathematics museum follow these directions. Use Second Life's Search window to locate "Willowdale", not "Old Willowdale". If you search for the latter and teleport you will be in Willowdale, but this particular location is not the best to set off from.
After you find "Willowdale" follow the teleport link. This will transport you directly in front of the Willodwale Community Center; it is the building I am standing in front of in the photograph below.

The street I'm standing beside is Swan Way. The tall grey building in the background, at the end of Swan Way, is the mathematics library.
Hope this helps.
One more thing. The members of Willowdale would like to keep it as realistic as possible, so avoid flying to get around. Thanks.
Pluton Karas