Monday, February 16, 2009

Aerospace Crew

Differ Darwin, Motoko Karu, Rocket Sellers, Elbereth White,
Krull Aeon, and myself in front of a high-tech mobile rocket lab.

Hey all.  Pluton here, back with another quick entry.

After exploring the region Space Frontier a bit further I found a crew of rocket builders.  This being Second Life all the avatars were unique and included a cat (Krull Aeon), a fairy in human guise (Rocket Sellers), a plains clothes rocketeer (Elbereth Witte), a space suited rocketeer (Differ Darwin), and a cyborg (Motoko Karu).

All the rocket builders were very friendly and encouraged everyone who may read this to go over and check out their rocket building facility.  A word of caution, however.  There is information around the sim that lists a schedule for rocket building classes.  Unfortunately the classes are no longer offered.  Rocket Sellers, who described herself as both the manager and a patron of Space Frontier, explained that they are "planning other sorts of classes that are not about Second Life, just in Second Life".  Unfortunately she would not tell me more, saying "it's a secret project".

When I asked the rocket builders if they wanted me to mention anything specific about their work Rocket Sellers expressed the need for low cost and frequent access to space.  "You can go to the moon or mars or asteroid or moons of Jupiter," she went on, "no need to argue about the destination now... just get to orbit affordably".  On the other hand Krull Aeon expressed the need to "commission a really big rubber band,"  and when Elbereth Witte mentioned that Russia has declared and interest in reaching Mars, Krull responded by declaring an "interest in Mars bars".

Rocket Sellers went on to say that "this project is supporting non profits, companies and individuals who are concerned about access to space.  We might joke around, but we are very serious."  At the end of this entry you will find links to some non profit organizations Rocket listed during our conversation.

If you are interested in rocket building, making access to space more feasible, and networking with others who share this interest then search for the group Space Frontier and visit the the Space Frontier region.  Remember, the region is always in development.  As Rocket Sellers pointed out, "we consider this research, and our motto is Always Under Construction".


Pluton Karas


  1. thank you so much for exploring Frontier Spaceport Pluton!

    Just a couple of notes - I'm not a fairy, I just wear wings (gift from Kim Anubis) for sentimental reasons and because I feel less silly flying in SL with them.

    Not sure Motoko is a cyborg, I think that's just a shiny spacesuit...

    come back often!

  2. Thank you for the great and continuing
    coverage your a great writer :)

    Krull Aeon
