Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Willowdale Mathematics Library

Hello everyone. Pluton here. Yesterday one of my readers visited the town of Willowdale, but was unable to locate the mathematics library I featured in my blog (entirely my fault; see below). In order to help I am posting some directions.

Let me begin by saying there is probably an easier way to assist anyone interested in getting to the museum. If this is so, please comment and help me learn.

In addition, I need to apologize to all my readers, for the name of the town is Willowdale; Old Willowdale is the region. I have edited the original entry in order to rectify my error. Thanks go out to Veritas Raymaker whose comment on the difficulty he had finding the museum led to this correction.

In order to get to the mathematics museum follow these directions. Use Second Life's Search window to locate "Willowdale", not "Old Willowdale". If you search for the latter and teleport you will be in Willowdale, but this particular location is not the best to set off from.

After you find "Willowdale" follow the teleport link. This will transport you directly in front of the Willodwale Community Center; it is the building I am standing in front of in the photograph below.

The street I'm standing beside is Swan Way. The tall grey building in the background, at the end of Swan Way, is the mathematics library.

Hope this helps.

One more thing. The members of Willowdale would like to keep it as realistic as possible, so avoid flying to get around. Thanks.

Pluton Karas


  1. hello Pluton,

    thank you so much for your clear explanations, and for your prompt help :-)

    i found the Museum without any difficulty, this time :-)

    what you can do for subsequent occasions, is to generate what is known as a SLURL (Second Life URL).

    in this case, the SLURL for the Museum is formatted thusly:


    now, when someone clicks this hyperlink on a webpage, a new page will open in the web browser, depicting a map of the region. this map will have a 'teleport' hyperlink, which in turn, when clicked, will launch the visitor's Second Life client viewer and teleport the avatar to the coordinates.

    should (a) the visitor not have a Second Life client viewer installed on the computer, there should be an automatic prompt to go download the official Linden client;

    (b) the region / land owner have specified a specific landing point for visitors, which does not correspond to the coordinates of the SLURL, then a red beacon will indicate the approximate bearing and distance of the desired destination, with respect to the land parcel's landing point.

    further, to find the coordinates for your SLURL in the first place, use the set of three numbers (your avatar's x, y, and z coordinates) which appear at the top of your Second Life client viewer's main window.

    please let me know if i have not been clear :-)

    thank you once again, Pluton :-)


  2. Thanks for your help Veritas. I have a further question. If I 'create' an SLURL for a particular location, am I just loading the system with unnecessary info? Is there a way to find out if an SLURL already exists for a particular location?


  3. hi Pluton :-)

    i don't think there will be unnecessary load on the system.

    i believe these SLURLs are just dynamically called upon on a just-in-time demand basis, so, not to worry :-)
